Thai Foot Reflexology with Santiago
Thai foot massage or reflexology provides an enjoyable, relaxing, and rejuvenating experience that heals the mind, body, and soul. During a typical session by skillful Santiago, the lower legs and feet are stretched and massaged to open Sen lines (Thai-based meridians or energy lines) using hands, fingers, thumbs, knuckles, and a rounded wooden stick with lotion. Pressure is applied to specific areas of the soles of the feet causing reflex reactions that stimulate other parts of the body through the Sen lines. In this way, this ancient technique works very effectively to detoxify and purify the whole body, it helps to relieve stress and tension, decrease fatigue, boost the immune system, foster good health and mental serenity, finally restoring balance.
This therapy lasts for about 1 hour and the cost is Rs. 1600 for guests, Rs. 1200 for guests under 30 years old, Rs. 800 for Auroville volounteers, and Rs. 640 for Aurovilians & Auroville New Comers. For more information or to make an appointment (book at least one day in advance), please contact directly Santiago by phone or Whatsapp (+91 8754958120) or write to
By appointment only:
Phone or Whatsapp (+91 8754958120)

About the Therapist
Santiago is a diverse healing arts practitioner with a special connection to the benefits of sound, buddhist wisdom and ancestral shamanic ways. He is in constant research connecting ancient practices and contemporary methods for the human balance and wellbeing. Santiago has a long past experience in western music working with electronic sounds and as pianist, and he is currently studying and extending his wisdom in sound healing with Svaram Sound Experience in Auroville. Besides that, he has received specific training at the Kathmandu Healing Centre in Nepal for the therapeutic uses of bowls and bells. With regard to his reflexology practices, he studied and received knowledge at the Thai Yoga Massage School in Thailand. He moved to Auroville about a year ago and he is practicing in Joy Community since that time. Having travelled around the world during most of his life brings him a touch of different traditions on his sessions. He is as well attracted to different types of art, yoga or meditation practices.