Sound Healing Treatment with Anne

About the Practitioner
Anne was born in Holland. Four years ago she exchanged her architectural engineering ambitions for becoming a yoga and meditation teacher. A journey where many consciousness practices were explored and where she became aware of a deeper inner power – one that showed her that we all have the potential to heal ourselves. Arriving in Auroville beginning 2019, she dove into a deep unknown, where she is enriching her practice by exploring the power of sound. A new dimension of listening opened up for her through practicing Sound healing, Qi gong, Awareness Through the Body, Somatics, Mirrorwork, Vocal practices, Bodywork and Astrology. She’s now integrating all these different modalities in group and individual sessions. Her intention is to empower you in your own healing journey and guide you towards the source of your dis-ease. Enriching your awareness through all your five senses and providing you with tools that you can use to heal yourself.