Body Tapping Treatment with Sirish
This individually customized session is about receiving your own intuitive (inner) guidance for “healing.” You can achieve the following stages in this process:
- Diminish the activity of the mind through brief meditation
- Allow natural energy flow and opening of all chakras through sounds
- Touch on shoulder and chakra points, if intuitively necessary and as guided by you, assists in body stillness
- Listen deeply to any feelings, sensations, messages or stories arising from the body
- Achieve overall balance and deep silence by integrating any messages from body wisdom
- Continue to connect with place of inner unbroken peace through meditation commentary (or silence, as guided in the moment)
- Make way for guidance from higher self to complete the integration and make the healed self visible
This therapy lasts for about 1 hour; the cost is Rs. 1600 for guests, we give 50 % discount for Auroville volounteers, and60 % discount for Aurovilians & Auroville New Comers. For more information or to make an appointment (book at least one day in advance), please contact directly Sirish by phone or Whatsapp (+91 8127524550) or write to For more information about activities, therapies and events in Joy Community, you can visit our facebook page.

About the Practitioner
Sirish has experienced major shifts in last 12 years through cognitive behavior therapy and meditation. He has allowed integration of past wounds and has found some balance between logical and intuitive sides, from work as a scientist to an intuitive healer. His current work is based on his own experiences through these shifts. His approach is to find balance in all our chakras by feeling our power, love and good boundaries and then arrive back at our core values by feeling safe around our vulnerabilities.