Infants and Small Children (0-6) Massage with Lhamo

A very interesting way of looking at small children’s health and well being. It is a way to cure infants’ daily problems(cold, digestive functions, fever, cough, etc.)​ and increase the immune system without medicine. The first mention of children massage dates back to 1000 BC. Nowadays, it is very popular in China. It works through very soft massage using different acupressure points than adults. It is an empowering tool for parents to deal with their kids daily ailments. It is very effective for newly born babies and suitable for children up to 6 years old.

This therapy lasts for about 1 hour; the cost is Rs. 2000 for guests, 50 % discount for Aurovilians, New Comers and registered volunteers. For more information or to make an appointment (book at least one day in advance), please contact directly Lhamo by phone or Whatsapp (+91 84380 53127) or write to .

Restarting in September

By appointment only:

Phone or Whatsapp (+91 84380 53127)

Facial Acupuncture @ Joy

About the Therapist:

Lhamo (Zhao Zhengrong), from China, started her martial arts journey at age 11. Slowly shifting from outer martial arts to inner practices, she studied Ba Gua Zhang and Tai Ji Quan under different teachers, and kept on studying different aspects of Chinese Medicine, such as Moxibustion, cupping, infant and children massage, acupuncture and Chinese traditional massage. Moreover, through her years of learning she discovered an acupuncture method which resonated with her and that she loves sharing : facial acupuncture where very small needles are used solely on the face of the patient, which is a mirror of the whole body. It uses a very interesting and immediate way to assess the changes in the body. Lhamo moved to Auroville in 2018 and since then she has been teaching and practicing a number of Chinese traditional martial and healing arts.